, online shopping portal for shoes and accessories, has made its entry into retail with the launch of a store at Kessel Mall in Kurukshetra. The store has the benefits of physical retail and e-commerce under one roof.
Manmohan Agrawal, director of, said that the company’s unique retail model offers a vast choice to customers on the one hand and helps the industry clear its inventory fast and in real-time on the other. It’s a win-win model for all stakeholders.
Agrawal expressed that the new model will be hugely successful and become a benchmark for the industry.
He added that retail outlets with virtual access to the entire industry, will also help the footwear industry clear its inventory faster, thus, bringing a big relief to footwear manufacturers whose biggest problem has been real-time inventory clearance and all other troubles associated with it. stocks brands such as Woodland, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Nike, Lee Cooper Red Tape, iD etc.
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