E-commerce platform, Flipkart's Chief Operating Officer Nitin Seth has quit the firm, citing personal reasons, sources said. Seth was in charge of logistics unit Ekart besides corporate functions like strategy and human resources. is leaving the organisation citing personal reasons.
The development will give more control to CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy, who last week took over the HR function. Following Nitin Seth’s resignation, Ekart and corporate operations will now be also taken over by Krishnamurthy.
Seth joined the company in February 2016 as chief people officer. In middle of 2016, he was first elevated to Chief Administrative Officer, putting him in charge of strategy and corporate functions. He was finally given the title of COO in January, when Krishnamaurthy took over as Flipkart CEO from Binny Bansal, who took over as group CEO. Nitin was reporting to Krishnamurthy.
Seth's exit comes at a time when the company is in talks to acquire rival Snapdeal, where it will need to redistribute the over 1,000 employees at the company. Flipkart is also in the process of integrating acquisition of eBay India, making HR a key function for the organsition right now.
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