Cinépolis, the World’s 4th largest and India’s 1st international cinema exhibitor announced today, the launch of India’s first megaplex. The 15 screen megaplex in Pune brings together 100% digital technology, RealD, the world’s best 3D technology, Hollywood standard 4k digital screens and 7.1 Dolby digital audio. The cinema will also have 3 Cinépolis VIP screens, first ever in the country. Cinépolis is the inventor of the VIP experience and the first exhibitor in the world to introduce VIP screens, the ultimate luxury movie viewing experience.
Speaking on this occasion, Javier Sotomayor, Managing Director, Cinépolis India, said “We are very excited to introduce the megaplex culture in India along with Cinépolis VIP. We introduced the International movie experience in India and are now launching other global trends to evolve the exhibition industry here.”
“Being this particular project the very first location we signed in India, I would like to thank the Magar family for believing in our team and our brand. I would also like to thank our patrons who have supported our initiatives and have given us the confidence to be more aggressive with our expansion plans.” Mr. Sotomayor added.
The multiplex is based at Season’s Mall, Magarpatta City, Pune. Patrons can enjoy more than 80 shows every day in the cinema, which is more than any other cinema in the country.
Ashish Shukla, Country Head, Cinépolis India, said “Movie watching for Pune has changed forever with the opening of our Megaplex at Seasons Mall, Magarpatta City.
This product is unique in its offerings, to name a few - Real D - 3D, a show every 10 mins, VIP indulging experiences, VIP lounge, restaurant and bar, top end digital sound and picture quality and many more.
“Our Cinema also offers a great hang out for the youth with an open lobby you do not need a ticket to get to the lobby with a free wi-fi for Coffee Tree users.We are very excited with this opening and our team of 150 + trained professionals are looking forward to serve Pune, with the true International Experience” added Mr. Shukla.
Devang Sampat, Head – Operations and Strategic Initiatives, Cinépolis India, said "A megaplex format would give a great platform to Marathi and other regional movies which will also get prime-time slots apart from regular Hindi and English movies. It will also give us the freedom to cultivate markets for Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati movies which don’t get to the large screens because of constraint of fewer screens.
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