Flowers and gifting retail chain Ferns N Petals aims to more than double its turnover to Rs 500 crore in 5 years. The company is also looking to enhance its presence in overseas market. In a recent media interaction, Vikaas Gutgutia, MD, Ferns N Petals, said, "We are looking at least Rs 500 crore turnover in 5 years. We will expand overseas and want to become world's biggest florist. Our focus will be on overseas operations and e-commerce.”
It also plans to have around 500 retail outlets in the next five years.
Elaborating on the overseas operations for the company, Gutgutia said Ferns N Petals will start retail operations in 7-8 countries and begin its e-commerce operations across the globe.
Ferns N Petals will add 50 outlets to its network of 180 outlets across India this year. Most of the new stores will be franchised.
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