Bata India, the largest retailer for footwear in the country, has launched its largest store in North Delhi at the City Centre Mall, Rohini. This store will be offering complete range of Bata footwear as well as accessories like handbags and belts. Spread across 4000 sq.ft. the store offers whole new experience for consumers with design variety for men, women, children and the youth. Present on the occasion Mr. Marcelo Villagran, Managing Director, Bata India Ltd. was beaming with pride after successfully opening up the largest store in the North.”This new large bata store, will redefine shoe retailing in North Delhi. Our objective is to make shoe shopping more pleasurable affair for our consumers. Large and spacious store allows us to showcase are widest range of footwear catering to women, men, children, he further added. In another first for the brand, they have introduced the Bata Home Delivery Service under which the customers can place orders for any footwear. Also the consumers can browse through their website to stay updated with the latest collections that Bata India launch. The turnover for the year 10-11 is estimated around 125 billion, which is a growth of 20% compared to last year. Bata India plan to have further 70 stores all around India, by the end of the year.
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