Gitanjali Jewels Gold and Precious – the flagship brand of Gitanjali Group has announced the launch of their fourth grand showroom in Lucknow. The store is spread across 1700 sq ft with plush interiors in the main location of Lucknow in Alambagh. The store will offer a bouquet of leading jewellery brands like Nakshatra, D’Damas, Gili, Asmi, Maya Gold, Diya, Parineeta, Sangini, and many other gold and diamond brands.
Santosh Srivastava, Managing Director, Gitanjali Jewels said, “Purity, variety and authenticity are the vital ingredients of any shopping experience for a consumer and Gitanjali Jewels strongly communicates this message in its delightful brand portfolio. Our products can be exchanged pan India across any of our stores thus providing more flexibility to the end user. No gift could be more enduring than a diamond and we claim to be the perfect place on earth to get one. At Gitanjali Jewels our aim is to provide an unique jewellery shopping experience to customers”.
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