Inorbit Malls, part of the K Raheja Group launched its Rs 300 crore destination mall, in Cyberabad last week. The new mall, located at Mindspace, is the third such mall of Mumbai-based construction major K. Raheja Corporation. The other two In-orbit malls are located at Malad in Mumbai, and Vashi in Greater Mumbai. Dubai-based lifestyle retailer Landmark’s Lifestyle store and K Raheja group’s Hypercity are expected to be the other tenants of the mall besides Shoppers Stop Ltd which opened its Shoppers Stop store at Inorbit, Cyberabad recently. These three tenants will account for majority of the 1.2 million sq. ft built-up space of Cyberabad mall, which will boast of a three level car parking facility for 1,300 cars. Plans are underway for a tie up with Cinemax to set up six screens with a capacity to seat 1,000 persons. The In-orbit malls are designed to serve as destination malls offering a combination of leisure, entertainment and shopping in the form of entertainment zone, night club, food courts and retail shops. Each mall is expected to house around 150 retail stores. Inorbit malls also plan on investing Rs 600 crore for constructing three more malls in other cities like Pune, Bengaluru and Gujarat.
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