One of the most leading players in the Indian Kidswear Industry, Lilliput has recently showcased their exclusive collection at the Kid`s Fashion Show held in the capital city. The Show started with the kids` ramp-walking performance and they were fully clad in various stylish Lilliput garments. The aim of the show was to illuminate the audience and customers` minds with an adept knowledge regarding the latest range of high-quality and designer collection that are available in the market at reasonable prices.
On the auspicious occasion, said Mr. Sanjeev Narula, MD, Lilliput Kidswear Ltd., "It is our big pleasure to bring smile on the innocent faces of the kids. We are sure enough that the common-children will be overemphasized by seeing these small models walking the ramp dressed in our fabulous collection."
After entering into the domestic retail business in 2002 with the launch of a Lilliput store in Delhi, the Company has now been esteeming its core value with having 165 exclusive brand outlets, 150 key large format multi-brand outlets in like Shopper`s Stop, Pantaloon, Reliance Tends, Lifestyle, Pyramids, etc. and 450 point of sales. On the other hand, it has its existence in China, Middle-east and Egypt. It has its expansion plan to open 100 more exclusive stores in India by Oct`08 and intends to open 50 stores and 100 stores in the Middle-east and China respectively by 2010-11. It has experienced a turnover of Rs. 260 crores in the fiscal year 2007-08. The Company also exports its products in US and UK, and its significant achievement is that it has sponsored clothes for the recent movie Bhootnath.