Microsoft India today announced the launch of Microsoft Dynamics AX focusing varied offerings for the Retail sector in India. This solution offers a consolidated, integrated system that promises the capabilities of a stronger profitable retail supply chain and connected retailing to reduce business complications. It brings a deep level of integration across point of sale, store management, supply chain, merchandising and financials for enterprises and midsized specialty retailers. This solution offers out of box integration allowing complete control of data flows across the organization. “Microsoft Dynamics AX for retail is a single, end-to-end solution that drives visibility across the organization enabling Indian retailers to reduce complexity, react quickly, seize new opportunities and build customer loyalty.” Said Subhomoy Sengupta, Group Head, MS Dynamics India. When added to powerful infrastructure components like Windows, SharePoint, SQL etc. retailers are agile and empowered in their business. By offering and industry specific platform, partners have an opportunity to create deeper vertical functionality for retailers, more easily and at an affordable cost.
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