Indian online furniture and home products marketing company Pepperfry is now going offline as well with its exclusive units, with a target of sales turnover of Rs 5000 crore by 2020. Pepperfry CEO and founder Ambareesh Murty said the company is currently clocking a turnover of Rs 1000 crore."We have grown four times over the previous year and we account for 65 per cent share of the online furniture market in the country." It is expanding its network of exclusive outlets called studios. In these 'studios' the customers can get the physical feel of the product as well as human assistance while making the buying decision. " We plan to raise the number of studios to 50 by the end of this fiscal through owned and on franchisee basis," Murty said. Pepperfry currently has 21 studios with the newly opened one at Kochi. After covering metros, it is looking at smaller towns to expand its reach. According to Murty, South India is the biggest market for Pepperfry led by Bengaluru and followed by Chennai and Kochi. Over 10,000 merchants have sold products on Pepperfry so far. Pepperfry is also mulling to expand its products portfolio. "We plan to sell flooring materials soon," Murty said.
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