Its celebration time at STAR CJ alive, India’s premium home shopping channel from the STAR Group, as it completes ONE PHENOMENAL YEAR of transforming the lifestyles of its viewers on 1st August 2011. The premium home shopping channel would like to thank its viewers for their valuable support and, therefore, announces not ONE but TWO unbelievable contests to reward them.
The ‘Ghar Bharo Contest’ is the contest that makes sure the viewers enjoy the channel’s 1st birthday celebration, by giving them the opportunity to fill their home with items brought from STAR CJ alive. Viewers stand to win assured prizes / gift vouchers with every purchase they make on STAR CJ alive. During the ‘Ghar Bharo Contest’ starting from 21st July ’11 to 12th August ’11, viewers need to make purchases on the channel. At the end of the contest period, one lucky purchaser will win THE ENTIRE PRODUCT LINE UP showcased on 21st July on STAR CJ alive, through a lucky draw! The viewers who buy in the above mentioned period will be eligible for the lucky draw. This monsoon it’s raining rewards at STAR CJ alive as the channel wishes to fill its viewers’ houses with unbelievably fascinating gifts during its birthday celebrations!
As a part of its first birthday celebrations, STAR CJ alive is also giving every viewer a chance to participate in another contest, i.e. ‘Spot and Win’; where lucky viewers who spot the product broadcast in a short one minute capsule during breaks between the episodes on the channel, and sms their response on the given number, get that product absolutely free on a first come first served basis! These capsules will be broadcasted around 10 times in a day. The number of products available for winning in the contest will be communicated in each capsule separately.
On this important occasion, an elated Paritosh Joshi, CEO, STAR CJ Network India Pvt. Ltd., says, “It has been an exciting and enriching journey for us. STAR CJ alive has grown because of the incredible faith our viewers have in us. Our aim is to involve our viewers in our celebrations. The first anniversary carnival will delight our viewers as we go all out to offer great products and big brands to celebrate this milestone. It will be our constant endeavour to bring more innovations and expansions to our services.”
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