Safe Enterprises has launched Insync in the Indian display field after commissioning over 30,000 stores spanning over an estimated 15 million sq.ft of retail space with display fit-outs over the last 19 years. It has acquired varied experiences of working on projects of all sizes from single-owned outlet to departmental stores and, understands the needs of the Indian retailer and designer alike. Safe Enterprises began working on a range of fixtures with standardised dimensions and finishes. The new look products are accompanied by new business strategy and revenue model. To cater to the need for ready availability and shorter turnaround times in retail projects and geographical penetration, Safe has launched the ‘Insync’ brand which is now going to be the retail arm of Safe. These would be exclusive stores selling the retail solutions devised by Safe Enterprises and the Insync developmental cell.
The first store would be launched in Mumbai by the end of January 2010 and the company plans to have 30 such outlets in different parts of India and the subcontinent by the end of 2012. Insync stores will carry a range of fixtures suited mostly to the fashion sector, fixtures of all price points well suited for all fashion formats whether they are small cells or departmental stores. The Insync store is a platform for knowledge transfer and product selection. Designers can come and understand the range of fixtures before they start their new concept design and just for their ease, can also give their clients a glimpse of what 70 per cent of their visible store area would look like.
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