Kendall and Kylie Jenner, the Reality TV stars and models, have launched their handbag line in India. They have introduced KENDALL + KYLIE handbags at selective outlets of Shoppers Stop, a multi-brand retail store, in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Jaipur and Ahmedabad.
Kendall and Kylie said in a joint statement, "The handbag designs exude opulence and a classic aesthetic, with a variety of waist pouches, wristlets, slings, totes, fanny packs and backpacks that are perfect for any occasion."
"One style that is sure to catch your eye is the bum bag, also known as the fanny pack, which happens to be our favourite. The nostalgic 1980s look has been modernised over the years and is a luxe option for hands-free styling, perfect for wrapping around your waist or slinging over your shoulder. It’s the perfect accessory to any outfit," they added.
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