One of India’s leading home electronics and appliance supplier, Viveks, has started a new initiative dubbed as Home Serve for its consumers. With this initiative, Viveks plans to offer a ‘one point service solution’ for a household’s biggest bugbear — getting a carpenter, electrician or a plumber.
With this service, Viveks, according to B. K. Vijay, Vice-President-Customer Relations, is targeting the is the housewife who bears the brunt of things going out of order.
Home Serve team will include in-house technicians, freelancers and authorised centres, with which they have tied up. The idea is to give the consumer a wide range of services from installation of electrical or electronic devices and annual maintenance of various durables and kitchen appliances to e-scrap disposal. Currently, they have about 400 technicians with a centre which can handle multi brands and multi products, serving upto 600 customers in a day.
Further, Viveks is also looking at offering services including mobile and DTH recharge at the doorstep. The company’s experienced technicians will offer the convenience of a one-point contact. The call centre and coordination team will see a majority of women.
The backend staff is being trained well and sensitised towards keeping the customer in mind and understanding their problem.
The services offered are charged. The consumers can take up one of the three membership cards namely, silver at Rs 3,000 a year; gold at Rs 5,000 and platinum at Rs 8,000 a year. Members can avail a certain number of free visits by plumbers, electricians and carpenters, besides technicians for maintenance of air-conditioners and over 25 other appliances such as juicers, toasters, vacuum cleaners to water purifiers and washing machines.
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