Suresh Prabhu, Minister of Railways, has said that to provide freedom to passengers to select their meals from an array of choices including local cuisine, e-catering is being extended to all rail stations.
He said, IRCTC will make available local cuisines of choice, hygienic food.
The food can be ordered through IRCTC website at the time of booking the tickets or call the individual restaurants where the passenger want to place the order.
Till now, IRCTC has partnered with over five food brands to make food easily available to the passengers who are travelling long.
The rail ministry has partnered with Domino’s, KFC, Lite Bite Foods, Hello Curry, Chaayos to serve the scrumptious food and your favourite tea.
It has also partnered with food delivery service and aggregators like foodpanda and TravelKhana to speed up the delivery services in the region.
Prabhu also focused that IRCTC will begin to manage catering service in phased manner.
Meanwhile, the new budget will also have new policy of multi-purpose stalls at station to provide multiple services like milk and medicines.
“We are also trying to make Children's menu, baby foods, baby boards available for travelling mothers,” added Prabhu.
In order to make travel on Indian Railways a happy experience, the Budget has given thrust on Cleanliness and proposes a new department for keeping stations and trains clean under Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
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