Betting big on the mass impact of celeb-inspired brands, Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff has launched his first active lifestyle brand, PROWL.?The brand is co-created and co-owned by Shroff and Mojostar...
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has launched a female-only fitness and fashion brand Just F with Mojostar. Just F is a female-only fitness and fashion brand created with an aim to bring the ?...
King Digital Entertainment, the developer of highly popular mobile game Candy Crush has inked pact with one of the leading Indian designers Mrinalini Chandra for a range of jewelry.A part of strateg...
The?International Licensing Industry Merchandisers? Association (LIMA) has appointed Jiggy George, the CEO of Dream Theatre as its?official head for India.India is a strategically important mark...
The Smiley Company has appointed Dream Theatre to represent the Smiley brand in India. Smiley has been one of the most recognised icons in the world and an iconic global and lifestyle fashion brand....
In a bid to go beyond the screens, Chennai-based Indian YouTube channel ChuChu TV has inked pact with licensing agency Dream Theatre to launch its global consumer products.Valid for two years, this ...
The dysfunctional Griffin family, which has already created much of a chaos in whacky town of Rhode Island, has made its way to retail shelves in India.Fox Broadcasting Company has? extended its an...
Dream Theatre has joined hands with HarperCollins India to publish India?s first Beebop series of story book along with activity book. Conceptualised by Dream Theatre, Beebop is home grown pre-schoo...