Lenovo, one of the leading PC makers in India, has opened its first store at Pune for SMEs in India. The store aims to address the specific needs of the SME customer by making the Think brand accessible to them and offering solutions that address the SME community.
Spread across a total area of 450 sq ft, the store will stock an entire range of SME focused Think products – Notebooks, Desktops, Tablets and All-in-Ones to address the dynamic computing needs of the fast growing SME market.
Lenovo has been aggressively steering into the SME space and the current market share of 6.8% (CYQ4 2011) is a testimony to the success of its Protect and Attack strategy. To penetrate the length and breadth of the country’s diverse SME market, Lenovo has created an unprecedented reach of close to 500 retail touch points, which includes over 300 retail outlets and close to 200 resellers and VARs. This has enabled Lenovo to move closer to its target audience at both ends of the SME spectrum.