The Bombay Store is expanding its footprint in Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and plans to launch four new company owned stores this year. “India is growing rapidly with a taste for good homes and decor and we want to tap this segment offering lifestyle products. Before the end of this financial year, we plan to launch three more stores in Indore, Chennai and Mumbai as the rentals have been softening” Asim Dalal, Managing Director, The Bombay Store. He further added, “On an average, the size of the company owned stores ranges from a minimum of 1,500 sq. ft to 2,000 sq. ft.” They invest about Rs 50-60 lakh per store depending on the city, location and the size. The new stores will take about 10-12 months to break even and book profits.
Presently, the brand retails over 25,000 SKUs in four categories such as home accessories, home decor, home furnishings and fashion accessories.
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