In a bid to expand production within their merchandising unit, Green Gold Animation - the makers of Chhota Bheem and Super Bheem has launched a brand new array of products from their roast of characters. In a strategic move, Green Gold Animation has established their first plush manufacturing unit in Hyderabad named Benny N Bunny Toys India Pvt Ltd, to cater to the growing market demands for plush range. This pushes Green Gold to the top notch slot in the toys and merchandising industry. The unit now serves as a production facility to many other relevant players in the market, making it an independent SBU within Green Gold’s business interests. With this production facility, Green Gold is looking to not only cater to the demand for their own IPs, but also execute for other brands, characters and companies. The company is now producing generic toys and dolls as well. The new line of generic merchandise hits over seventy unique items ranging from toys, dolls, teddy bears, animal soft toys, fruit/ animal shaped school bags, cushions to mini couches for toddlers in a wide variety of designs, prints and color combinations. Priced between INR 249 to INR 1,699, the range is being retailed through leading hyper market chain, Hypercity and through the leading online shopping websites like Amazon and First Cry. Talking about the launch of new line of merchandise, Samir Jain, COO & Executive Director, Green Gold Animation Pvt. Ltd said, “We introduced Benny & Bunny into the Green Gold family and that gives us the assurance of world class quality and best technology." "We target to scale up our production capabilities and operations which will give us confidence to not only focus on our characters merchandise but also reach out to other significant players. This is a vast and dynamic market so we will keep innovating and expanding. We have a simple fun-filled agenda to make the kids experience the brand more closely.”
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