Green Gold Animation is leaving no stone unturned for the release of their new animation movie "Hanuman vs Mahiravana" – An untold story from Ramayana. Continuing its spree, the company has announced the launch of mobile game based on the upcoming moview. Hanuman Vs Mahiravana is a simulative game wherein users will help Hanuman on his mission to rescue Ram and Lakshmana, who are in danger. Mahiravana, a sinister wizard who rules the dark underworld has captured Rama and Lakshmana. The user will play as the mighty Hanuman to unleash the devastating attacks and try to rescue them before the time runs out. The realm of the wizards is a maze of chambers filled with deadly enemies designed to confuse any intruder. Hanuman can strike four mighty attacks – the wind dash, tremor fist, path of the wind and the super tornado. Players can also find the hidden treasure rooms filled with gold and upgrade Hanuman’s abilities with special armour and power-ups. The game is available for download on Google Play Store for android devices and iOS. The animated film is produced by Green Gold Animation’s Samir Jain, Rajiv Chilaka and Srinivas Chilkalpudi, and created by Gamaya Inc. It is directed by Ezhil Vendan and written by Narayanan Vaidyanathan. Yash Raj Films (YRF) has taken the distribution rights of the film that is slated to release on June 22.
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