Sweta Pal : Kindly elaborate on your pricing and marketing strategy for your merchandised portfolio. Sasha Sippy : We are targeting consumers in both rural and urban areas which would include daily wage earners as well as those in the higher income bracket. We plan to offer licensed merchandise like T-shirts priced from Rs 300, as well an array of other products from Rs 2,000. We also plan to set up our website and highlight the range of licensed products offered, and would direct queries from browsers to our partners. Sweta Pal : Why have you chosen Bradford License India as your representative? Sasha Sippy : We have been searching for a suitable partner with regard to our licensing strategy, and we would benefit from Bradford License India’s experience in developing retail and allied strategies for this segment. We are looking at developing a range of licensed merchandise in diverse categories including apparel, furnishings and theme parks, amongst others. Sweta Pal : The longevity of Sholay resulted in a considerable merchandise available across categories in the ‘grey’ market. How do you plan to ensure the relevance of your licensed merchandise portfolio? Sasha Sippy : Clearly, anybody can offer merchandise, but not legal, related to this film. And, as the owners of this intellectual property, we are working with partners and creative designers to create the right experience, and plan to launch our merchandise in tune with the release of the 3D version of this film. We have already tied up for a Bollywood inspired theme park in the Middle East, as well as for T-shirts with Bioworld Merchandising, and for mobile apps and games with Hungama. Sweta Pal : Why are you relauching Sholay in 3D? Sasha Sippy : This film has attained cult status and has also become a component of the broader Indian culture, since its release in ’75. A recent poll conducted highlighted than an overwhelming majority of participants (88 per cent) including the ‘new’ generation have seen the entire or part of this film, and would be keen to watch it once again. I would like to highlight that this film in 3D which would be released early next year, would be relevant for the current generation of viewers and shown in 1,200 screens across the country.
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