Betting on the burgeoning global smartphone market, Tata Motors owned Jaguar Land Rover has extended license to introduce branded smartphones and accessories. The British automotive brand has inked licensing pact with consumer electronics company Bullitt Group to develop a bespoke smartphone and range of accessories. Commenting on the alliance, Lindsay Weaver, director of licensing and branded goods at Jaguar Land Rover said, "Incorporating iconic Land Rover design and innovative technology into the mobile phone sector with Bullitt Group presents an exciting challenge and fantastic opportunity to take the brand into a new dimension." Further, briefing about the product designs, Weaver added that an engineering and design team from Jaguar Land Rover special operations will be assigned to the partnership and subsequently deliver a number of bespoke applications tailored to Land Rover brand and product values. “The range will be designed to be an active lifestyle partner, aimed at people who like to take on new challenges and go 'above and beyond' the ordinary," said the official statement. Slated to be launched in early 2017, the portfolio will embody the core values of the Land Rover brand, featuring some truly innovative capabilities and technology. "We are confident the new range of products will perfectly encapsulate everything that Land Rover represents, appealing to those who already love the brand and providing an introduction to those who are yet to discover it," noted Peter Stephens, CEO of Bullitt Group. According to Bullitt Group, the firm will partner with the car maker to define and develop a groundbreaking portfolio of mobile devices and peripherals which will take the brand into a new and exciting commercial terrain.
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