One of the biggest film production & distribution companies Yash Raj Films (YRF) has inked a pact to film distribution two animated movies produced by Green Gold Animation. As per the act YRF will distribute Hanuman vs. Mahiravana and Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka across India. Both the locally animated films will be released nationwide in Hindi and Tamil, in both stereoscopic 3D and standard versions. Hanuman vs. Mahiravana will hit the silver screens on June 22, while Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka will release later this year. “Chhota Bheem and Hanuman are iconic animation characters among Indian kids today,” said Rohan Malhotra, VP - Distribution, YRF. “Green Gold Animation has been able to build these inherently Indian animation heroes, Hanuman from mythology and Chhota Bheem as a fictional character, and their films deserve a strong release.” Elaborating on their distribution deal with YRF, Rajiv Chilaka, CEO, Green Gold Animation said, “YRF is a big and strong partner for us and we have worked together in the past and we are happy that this partnership will bring two amazing stereoscopic 3D animated movies for Indian audiences.” This twin-film deal is an effort to reach out to teenagers and older audiences, and increase the consumption of home-grown entertainment. YRF previously handled the successful Indian release of Green Gold’s 2013 film Chhota Bheem and the Throne of Bali. Hanuman vs Mahiravana is an untold story from the Ramayana and is an action-packed family movie. Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka traces the encounter between Bheem and his nemesis in China.
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