Millennial? taste buds exploration opens new avenue of opportunities for restaurants
Millennial? taste buds exploration opens new avenue of opportunities for restaurants

Somebody truly said that nothing lasts forever, and it goes same for the millennial, who were the ruler in global food scenario in 2015. But as time changes, their preferences and choice has also taken a new turn. 

The reason why restaurants sales are dropping is because of millennial’s choice over eating out. Studies suggest that there has been a generational shift in the way young adults relate to food. They were exposed to better food at home, in restaurants and while travelling. 

Apart from availability of high quality  food in the market,  there is  also a greater accessibility to , cooking shows, food stores and Internet, where one can get any recipe from different sites.

“The millennials are constantly changing and challenging status quo. Hence, consumers get refreshing new options without  denting  their pockets.. Social dining has multiple dimensions – tasting new cuisines, meeting new people, making new friends  makes it attractive to millennials”, shared Sheetal Bhonsle, Co-Founder at Once Upon My Kitchen.

Growth drivers

As millenials have a huge purchasing power, they  continue to drive consumer demand and hence it is becoming important to re-evaluate and develop strategies for the millennials.   A person who preferred  eating a normal patty burger, now prefers to consume  customised burger according to his preferences and likes.

Another reason that has given a new sense to the foodies is their frequent travel plans and food consumption from that region. Travelling and bringing back the same culture to their native is what millenials are known for.

As people are  aiming for   standardise experiences, they are also ready to pay more and appreciate great quality products with high standard of consistency and quality of the food. Therefore, experimenting with different cuisines and ingredients  is becoming the new trend.

“The millennial is now travelling all over the world, being  exposed to the internet and also actively following master chef episodes across the world. Given to an individual,  he wants the same cuisine back home, although he wants it adjusted to his palette. For instance, International  food items that are popular in Mumbai won’t even be seen maybe in Delhi or Bangalore.” Hitesh Bhatia, Founder and CEO, Noodle Play.

The tech-effect

Technology is another main player in helping the millennials to change their taste. Now-a-days eating out has become  more pleasurable  for everyone. On the same note Dhiren Kanwar, Country Head- India, Area GM- South Asia & Customer Service Associate, Puratos said, “As quality and taste is evolving over the time,    foodies want pleasure in their food”.  

Millennials are certainly influencing to revolutionize the food and restaurant scenario in the country. They are willing to spend more on specialty foods, which is powering new trends such as millennials are making their mark by accepting fresh foods and downplaying processed varieties.  People of all ages have  a great impact on this industry because everyone influences and define how to perceive right or wrong when it comes to tasting   food. At the same time, TV is easy and the best option for everyone to try and taste it.

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