Green Gold Animation’s Chhota Bheem is widely loved by the masses in India. Since its premier in 2008, it has been topping the ratings chart. The theme and setup of the series is such that it connects with the audience on a personal level. The core values and layout of the series are centric to India; this helps them in personalizing the stories and creating relatability. Chhota Bheem as an IP is recognized all over the globe. It is perceived as one of the most popular indigenous IPs. In an exclusive conversation with Anvita Prasad, AVP and Head of Licensing & Merchandising, Green Gold Animation we discuss the aesthetics of collaborating with an FMCG brand.
When we collaborate with any FMCG brand, the biggest advantage we get is the visibility, as most of the FMCG products are widely distributed across length and breadth of the country. Another benefit, which again is mutually beneficial is media exposure, be it television/ print commercials, sales promotion, PR etc. It also helps to re-establishes the strength of the IP among its target audience and peers, as FMCGs are very selective when it comes to partnering with any IP. It is always backed by extensive research which they do at their end.
Selection of appropriate licensee is multifaceted. As a licensor, we need to review -The past record of the company and its management - Quality of their product, as our name is also going to be associated with them - Strength in distribution and manufacturing / sourcing. - Plus, their seriousness towards the licensing association. A dedicated team at licensee’s end does a great job, whereas if it is handled by the same professional who are also handling the generic and broader portfolio, generally licensing part gets marginalized.
The fierce competition in FMCG has directed them to look at kids as serious consumer and decision makers. Even established names in FMCG don’t mind taking help of IPs to connect with their TG immediately and successfully.
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