In collaboration with Crunchyroll, the global anime streaming brand, Gucci is launching a selection of special items featuring characters from Bananya, an original Japanese anime series about the lives of tiny playful cats who live in bananas.
The special items include seven womenswear items, four G Loved base short-sleeve cotton T-shirts, and three felted cotton sweatshirts (one hooded and two crew-neck options) that are adorned with the playful Bananya characters. The sunlight sweatshirt and short-sleeve T-shirt display the Bananya Bunch, the three younger siblings of Bananya. Tabby Bananya is featured with Bananya on a sugar pink hoodie and two short-sleeve T-shirts, which come in timeless black and lemonade color options. The carefree and optimistic Bananya is featured on a sugar pink short-sleeve T-shirt and a mint green sweatshirt.
For women, there are two styles of trainers and a pair of slides that are all adorned with Bananya and Tabby Bananya. On the trainers, for both women and men, the two cats sit in their banana atop the Gucci green-red-green Web stripe. For jewelry, there is a colored crystal and fabric brooch with the trio of cats that make up the Bananya Bunch, and one with Bananya on his own. A chain necklace in metal with a gold finish featuring Bananya as a pendant fashioned out of crystals and enamel is also offered.
The Bananya series is produced by studio TMS Entertainment and both seasons can currently be streamed on Crunchyroll worldwide, outside of Asia. Crunchyroll is the world’s most popular anime brand with more than four million subscribers and over 100 million registered users. The brand offers a huge anime library of more than 1,000 titles and 30,000 episodes to more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
The selection of special items featuring Bananya will be available from May online at and in directly operated stores worldwide.
John Leonhardt, Head of Consumer Products, Crunchyroll, said, “Anime is a pop culture mainstay and our new collection with Gucci celebrating the eternally adorable Bananya is just another example of the power of this medium to transcend categories. We are thrilled to be working with Gucci to bring this playful collection to fans around the world.”
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