Restaurant trends customer would adopt post pandemic
Restaurant trends customer would adopt post pandemic

Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything about food. From the way people have been consuming food in last six months to the way we have seen restaurants and food companies selling their food and food products. Last year, we have seen more and more people adopting healthy living style by focusing more on local, regional and plant-based products. Mock meat has also seen a growth not just in India but also at global level. International chains like Burger King, McDonald’s have experimented their menu with plant-based patty etc.


With coronavirus pandemic the whole equation of the restaurant business changed where people are now looking at immunity-boosting, short and crisp menu. Technology has gone way ahead when it comes to food business. Not just ordering your favourite food, it has also become paying through wallets etc and adoptiong a cashless transactions.

Also Read: 5 Food Trends that will rule restaurants post covid

The menus would be digital: Since, digital is the new buzzword, from placing your orders online to scanning food through a digital menu would be the biggest trend post covid.

Payments will go digital: With more and more people wanting to go cashless, digital payments remains the safest options for anyone paying the bills.


Incorporating service changes: From the service point of view, earlier a  physical person would do the service, but now that would be replaced with technology. You would not need a server to serve you at the table. Instead, technology would do all the work. In fact, if we see at some of the global restaurants, they already have robot as a server now.

Focus will be on hygiene: Going forward, people will be more concerned about safety and hygiene. They will expect more hygiene and sanitization at the restaurant when they are eating out or when they are ordering something on-the-go.

Fresh Food

Fresh is in demand: It is always believed that fresh and local ingredients are good for both restaurants and its customer. For restaurants it shortens the cost involved in supplying those materials plus they also tend to promote local businesses. Wheres, eating local and fresh keeps customers healthy. Hence, restaurants should not compromise on fresh food, because the safety of the customer is very important.

May Interest: ​Domino's introduces cashless payment option for customers

Not sharing is caring: As everyone is looking at their own safety, 2020 and the coming years would be focused on not sharing your food with anyone. Restaurants will have more compact, smaller menus to showcase to the customer.

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